Charges could be filed against Bollywood legend Aamir Khan for a term he used in character in his film PK. The complaint was filed by a filmmaker named Ullas PR. He lodged an official complaint at a police station on Delhi against Khan for using the word "Thulla" to describe police personnel in the hit film. Now, what should be made clear here is that it was Aamir's character in the film, not Aamir himself that used the term. To this point, no complaints have been lodged against the director or the writer of the film.
Ullas, when asked why he filed the complaint (besides of course cheap publicity) said that if Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal could have complaints filed against him, then why not file against Aamir Khan.
Ullas explained himself according to FilmiBeat, "I saw the film on July 26 on TV. In the film, Aamir has called a police officer 'thulla' in one scene. Since last four to five days, I was thinking if a complaint can be filed against Delhi CM for using the same word then why hasn't any police official filed a complaint against him, whose films are seen across the world."
Ullas was then asked why he lodged the complaint against Khan and not the filmmakers instead. His reasoning, according to the HindustanTimes, was that "Aamir has used the term in the film. If police feels bad about it, then they have to take the case further. I don't have any personal enmity against Aamir... Neither I'm a friend of Kejriwal. The law is same for all. I want to know why police hasn't created an issue out of this. I want to see how fast the police will take action against Aamir,"
PK was a huge worldwide hit, even though it stirred up some trouble for questioning religious dogmas.
As for Ullas, he once brought a complaint against Amitabh Bachchan for not singing the national anthem in a proper manner.
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