Whether or not it was an enticement to get Aamir Khan to take on the role of J. Dey, the slain Indian journalist in the Bollywood biopic, Mid Dey, we may never know. The filmmakers may never say. In an effort to help Khan feel more at home in the highly anticipated film, filmmakers are said to have added little quirks to the character that are based on quirks of Aamir himself. Strange? Maybe, but this is Aamir Khan we're talking about. Though very eccentric, he is box office gold.
Bollywood Life ran a little piece about it and here are the good bits, "We all know that Aamir is in love with the Rubik's cube. He also loves solving puzzles and riddles. He has used this tactic to promote many of his films in the past. Apart from these there are numerous other such traits in Aamir, which are very similar to that of J. Dey in real life. Yes, that's correct. Because of this uncanny resemblance, director-producer Nandita Singgha decided that Aamir in the biopic should also use such codes to talk and share important information with people. So now J. Dey will be seen solving a Rubik's cube and also talking to his trusted aides in a typical code language."
It is these quirks and that make Aamir Khan, literally. He crafts such characters that viewers literally cannot take their eyes off the screen when he is on. Though it may not look it at first, the depth of his characterizations, his mannerisms, reflect the amount of work he puts into a film role. It may look easy, but it's not. Aamir Khan just makes it look that way.
However, the road to perfection is fraught with barrels and bushel baskets full of misunderstandings.
There was the famous row at beginning of the year over his distaste for the AIB India Roast. From The Indian Times - "I respect everyone's opinion. For me freedom of speech and expression is an important right and should be protected at all costs. But I also feel that freedom comes with responsibility, which should be self-exercised. It's unfortunate that caught between the rightwing fascists and the 'no-holdsbarred' faction, the moderates are in danger of losing their voice. I'm aware that if you sign up for the Roast, you sign up to insult each other. But, in this case, even those who hadn't signed up were being targeted, like Farida Jalal, Reema Lagoo and a beautiful, young girl I love dearly."
Genius is an overused and watered down word but here, with Aamir Khan, it more than applies. Watch his portrayal J. Dey come to life through those essentricities.
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