Salman Khan's new film Bajrangi Bhaijaan faces a firestorm of criticisms from conservative groups in India. The groups, among them Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal, threatened to mount massive protests to stop the film from being screened. They demanded the title be changed, wanting most of all Bajrangi dropped and all references in the movie excised as well, as they believed it deeply offended the beliefs of Hindus everywhere .Salman Khan has, to his credit, been unwavering in his defense of the film, regardless of the escalating feuds.
The group Bajrang Dal also, earlier in the year, issued similar complaints about Aamir Khan's film PK. Salman, however, is not going to let anyone push him around. He had this to sayabout the protesters , courtesy of IBN Live:
"If they are a religious group then the basic thing they should know that every religion respects the other person's religion. Every religion preaches only one thing: 'to follow your religion and to be respectful and to respect the other person's beliefs and religion.' I don't think anyone can protest on this,'"
As well, Salman and producers are having to deal with a legal notice from another of the right-wing groups. This from India Today:
"A local from UP had recently sent a legal notice to Salman and director Kabir Khan, raising objections on the title and some scenes in the film stating that Bajrangi stands for a Hindu God and it can't be linked with Bhaijaan, and that it hurts Hindu sentiments."
Is Salman Khan Khan right to do this? Certainly, he is right in his assessments that every religion should respect other religions. It is the people that twists words and wreck the beauty. Tell us what you think. Are you eagerly anticipating Bajrangi Bhaijaan? Will this press adversely affect the film or will it be a boon?
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