During a comedy performance in India, British bad boy Russell Brand, famous for his brief and tumultuous marriage to American popstar/sex kitten/sometimes good girl Katy Perry, joked in a comedy performance in India that he could fall in love and potentially marry Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone. Appearing for the first time in India at the Comedy Central Chuckle Festival, Brand seemed to volunteer himself to fix Deepika's somewhat turbulent, at least to this point, love life. Will he be her new boyfriend?
"The person I could potentially fall in love with and marry while I am in India, Deepika Padukone. She is popular. If by the end of the night I am not arrested or censored, we are going to look and see if I can perhaps seduce Deepika Padukone. If anyone has her phone number, let me know, we can ring her in the course of the evening," he said.
Deepika Padukone, star of this year's surprise hit Piku, has had her love life, and life in general, splashed across the pages of India's tabloids. Her famous split with Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, who she was first introduced to on the set of Bachna Ae Haseeno, their first film together, has been tabloid fodder even to this day. Heartbroken by his reported unfaithfulness, Deepika rebounded again and has reportedly taken up with another Bollywood bad boy Ranveer Singh.
Though Singh has openly confessed his love of Deepika many times, friends have sensed a reluctance to commit 100% to Ranveer. Why? Deepika has shrugged off repeated attempts by Ranveer to get her to commit fully to him and ultimately marriage. It doesn't help that Ranveer is a self professed bad boy.
In an interview (via Times of India), Ranveer noted that he is badly behaved and naughty, whereas Deepika is not.
Does Deepika Padukone need another bad boy in her life? Even though, he may have been jesting, wouldn't Brand be more of the same for Deepika?
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