Katrina Kaif has been busy doing more than just allegedly hating on Deepika Padukone. Although after Deepika's recent comment that Ranbir Kapoor will always hold a special place in her heart, Katrina's dislike of Deepika probably is still alive and well. She has to have something to do on her downtime, in between filming upcoming films Fitoor and Jaga Jasoos. However, Katrina's reported Deepika-hating time will be limited, as she signed on to do a film opposite international action hero Jackie Chan, entitled Kung Fu Panda.
Reports have surfaced that the film will be called Kung Fu Yoga and will be directed by Hong Kong-based filmmaker Stanley Tong. Chan and Tong have a history together. Tong directed Chan in the film Rumble in the Bronx. Katrina will portray an Indian professor and Chan will be a Chinese archaeologist who needs Katrina's help to unearth some treasures.
According to the Times of India website, the story goes like this -- The two set out on a treasure hunt, which begins in the dynasty of King Bimbisara. He ruled the Magadh empire from around 542 BC to 492 BC. He was known for his cultural achievements and was a great friend and protector of Gautam Buddha. "There are a lot of stunts in the film which is not surprising since it features Jackie Chan, a martial arts expert. What is interesting is that Katrina too will get to do many action scenes," says a source close to the development, pointing out that she did a lot of action in Emak Tha Tiger too.
The professor and the archaeologist will travel back in time and interact with the royals. "They will also fight off demons from their past," adds the source.
Pinkvilla.com, however has a report that says Kat has yet to say yes or no to the project. Her spokeswoman had this to say -- "Katrina has yet to make a decision on the film."
Simple enough.
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