Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor has matinee idol good looks and a drop dead gorgeous girlfriend, so when he suggested in an interview that he was insecure, many wondered what he had to be so insecure about. If most guys had Katrina Kaif to go home to, they would figure they had it going on. Of course, before we pat Kapoor on the back, it should be noted that Bombay Velvet was Kapoor's third flop in a row, prompting him to say, "There's a sense of insecurity that's starting to trend inside of me. I'm feeling a sense of friction where I really don't know what's happening with my career. I know what's happening with my work but I don't know what's going to happen with my career."
An article on, however, says wait a minute. The quote, which first came from an article NDTV did before Bombay Velvet was released. According to First Post, neither the video accompanying the piece nor the article itself have a date attached to them, so their timeframe is a little obscure. Nor does the article say whether or not Kapoor is referring to Bombay Velvet at all.
The First Post article goes on to suggest, though not in so many words, that the NDTV piece was tabloid journalism that tried to make Kapoor seem like he was unsure of his talent now that he had delivered yet another failure.
In reality, however, Kapoor seems very much in the vein of Johnny Depp, willing to take risks. He seems like an all or nothing type actor, and those types often fail more than they succeed.
No doubt Kapoor is probably a little sensitive about the recent failures but it is probably no more than that. He will be back on movie screens taking risks again. You can bet on that.
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