Shah Rukh Khan, known throughout the Bollywood world by his initials, reached a milestone and made the news by his choice method of celebration. No, the 49-year-old actor didn’t find a cure for cancer or bring peace in the Middle East. He did the next best thing or, actually, he didn’t do anything. SRK notched his 13 millionth Twitter follower. Kind of dwarves that 56 you were bragging to everyone you had, huh?
SRK wanted to think of a way to thank his fans and came up with the gift that keeps on giving, SRK himself. The Bollywood icon posted a video of himself, without a shirt (He totally must have been reading my mind) and thanked all those 13 million who made taking off his shirt possible. He also had a request. He wanted everyone to “respect women:”
“A home is made of all different sorts in a family, we discuss with each other, contradict each other even fight with each other but do not abuse woman, mother, sisters and daughters just because they are not yours…Thank you 13 million for making this very colorful home with me,” he said in the 29-second video.
He concluded the video by saying, “Yes, I’m wearing glares but I’m not wearing a shirt.”
We don’t know what SRK has in store for his fans when he achieves more Twitter milestones, but we’re definitely excited to find out. Maybe his next one he will not be wearing pants and urge all of India to make peace with Pakistan. Stay tuned. We shall follow him on Twitter and let you know.
Rock on, SRK!
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