Priyanka Chopra, of Bollywood fame, recently took home the title of Most Dangerous Celebrity in India. The actress/singer handedly beat last year’s winner, Sunny Leone (as well as, SRK and Salman Khan). We’ll take a look at why...and what it means to make McAfee’s annual list.
McAfee just released their 2013 Most Dangerous Celebrities list. If you live in America, you may recall the Hollywood results:
#1 Lily Collins
#2 Avril Lavigne
#3 Sandra Bullock
#4 Kathy Griffin
#5 Zoe Saldana
#6 Katy Perry
#7 Britney Spears
#8 Jon Hamm
#9 Adriana Lima
#10 Emma Roberts
The list McAfee provides tracks what percentage of likelihood a user has of getting malware/exploited by hackers, when googling a specific celebrity.
In India, the beautiful Priyanka Chopra found herself at the number one position. Chopra is famous for her films like Barfi! and well as a successful music career.
It’s her increased popularity that’s responsible for the increase in danger. She’s not the only celeb you should be worried about. You might need to look out for the following, as well:
She was followed by:
#2 Shah Rukh Khan
#3 Salman Khan
#4 Kareena Kapoor
#5 Akshay Kumar
#6 Saif Ali Khan
#7 Amitabh Bachchan
#8 Farhan Akhtar
#9 Sunny Leone
#10 Hrithik Roshan
A representative from McAfee India Centre offered up some insight as to why this occurs:
"In India where celebrities are given the status of semi gods, cyber criminals often use their names to lure people to sites that actually host malicious software designed to compromise personal details and disrupt devices.”
Were you surprised by the list of dangerous celebs? Was there a name on their you were surprised about? Who should have been on the list? Let us know your thoughts in the comment field below.
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