It only been six short months since former X Factor judge, Kelly Rowland, gave birth to her first baby boy, Titan. According to the latest gossip news updates, however, the Destiney's Child hot mama has already lost most of the extra weight she gained from the pregnancy. The 34-year-old Beyoncé bestie predicts that she should be down to her goal weight by the time of her wedding anniversary in May. Interestingly, that should coincide nicely with her triumphant return to television. The BET network has given Kelly her very own TV show, Chasing Destiny -- a singing competition tasked with finding America's next all-star all-female super-group.
While it very understandably takes some women years to lose the weight gained from a pregnancy, Destiney's Child superstar, Kelly Rowland, has managed to return to pre-baby form in a matter of months.
A noticeable svelte Rowland admitted in her new May 11 In Touch interview that she isn't 100 percent were she wants to be just yet but expects to be there by the end of next month:
"I've lost maybe, 20 pounds, but I still have a little more to go.
"I want to be my goal weight by my anniversary in May."
Kelly went on to explain that looking good isn't a bad side effect, but the real reason she's so into diet and exercise has to do with the natural high that comes from living right:
"It's not about how I look; I love my curves.
"I just know how I want to feel...My body operates better when I eat clean."
The fact that she will soon be back on television full-time might also factor into Kelly's motivations for wanting to lose every extra ounce she gained while carrying her little Titan.
According to Deadline, the pop icon will be joining forces with BET to see if she can't find another Destiny-esque group out there ready to take the nation by storm:
"Kelly Rowland will headline [a] new series on BET's 2015 slate.
"Former Destiny Child's member Rowland searches for 'the next big female superstar group to make their mark in a dog-eat-dog music industry' in reality series Chasing Destiny."
Although nothing has been confirmed by way of celebrity guests just yet, it certainly isn't too farfetched that the rest of Destiny's Child or even their husbands might eventually drop by the new show.
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