Bollywood diva Sridevi Kapoor, known throughout her home country of India simply as Sridevi, gets things done her way. That is the privilege of the first female superstar of Indian cinema. She is both beautiful and elegant in her choice of attire. Her sense of chic may not extend to help fat hubby, film producer Boney Kapoor. Sridevi created a buzz when she joined the popular social site Instagram and posted what some considered an unflattering photo of her tubby hubby and herself .
Boney's daughters from his previous marriage were unimpressed with the photo selection. They have been after their father for some time to get more fit and that has been somewhat of a struggle for the mega-Bollywood producer, the Jerry Bruckheimer of Bollywood.
Undeterred, the Bollywood diva posted the images nonetheless of her and her husband, whom she has affectionately dubbed "her teddy bear."
The couple are a mega celebs in their native land and the country's biggest power couple, akin to what Beyonce and Jay-Z would be in the United States. Their marriage has brought more than its fair share of controversy.
Through it all, Boney's affection for his famous wife has never wavered for his wife of nearly ten years. In an interview on, the smitten producer recalled meeting Sridevi for the first time.
"I fell in love with Sri after watching her Tamil film during the late 1970s. I even flew to Chennai to meet her but she was shooting in Singapore. A few months later, I watched Sri's debut Hindi film Solva Sawan (1979) and realised I wanted her to work with me. One day I went to meet her on the sets of a movie. But Sri was an introvert and wouldn't talk to strangers. She talked to me in half-broken English and Hindi and just said that her mother took care of her projects."
Is Sriedevi being mean to post such pictures of her significant other? Or is love truly blind? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.
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