After over four years of Bollywood dating bliss, and a year of living together, Kunal Khemu finally pops the question to Soha Ali Khan while on holiday in the ridiculously romantic city of Paris, France. To make it official, Khan took to her Twitter account to announce the news,” It gives me great happiness to share with you all that Kunal proposed to me in Paris with the most perfect ring in the world and I said yes."
In response, fellow Bollywoodite Neha Dhupia congratulated both Khan and Khemu via her Twitter account too, "wow that the best news ever! Congratulations, now come back sooon u both ... Yes @kunalkemmu ur one hellluva lucky guy!”
To that end, Khan blasted her Instagram profile with pictures of her and Khemu in cutsey photos of them at the Eiffel Tower, the proposal spot, and the streets of Rome. Still on the road, the stars are rumored to be greeted upon return with a celebratory party at the Pataudi mansion.
The hindi lovebirds met on the set of 99 in 2009 and have been basically inseparable ever since. Khan had expected the proposal to come last year on her birthday. Alas, this year in Paris it finally happened and Khan said to The Times of India on the subject, “I wish I'd known about it now as I would have at least got a manicure." No pics yet on the soon-to-be infamous rock Khemu placed on her finger. No deets on the presumibly elaborate wedding either. When asked for even a teaser, Khemu swiftly responded, "What marriage? I thought I just bought myself another couple of years!"
Watch the sparks fly on the set of 99 in the trailer below.
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