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George Clooney Plastic Surgery: How He Pioneered the Ball Ironing Business

George Clooney, megastar and all around good guy, has been asked countless times if he has had plastic surgery. While the star has denied going under the knife, he is credited with starting a procedure known as ball ironing.

Like most terrible things, it can be tracked back to Oprah. In 2008, both Clooney and Julia Roberts appeared on her hit talk show.

Julia and George were given the task of interviewing each other, a novel idea. The two quickly dropped their guards and began joking with each other.

Because it was big in the press, even then, she asked Clooney if he had ever had any cosmetic surgery done to his face.

Clooney, who was clearly kidding, told Roberts that he had some work done to his eyes. When the episode ran, people took him seriously.

George talked about the episode shortly thereafter to Esquire:

"I was in Italy when it aired, and all of a sudden it was all over the Italian papers. Once it switches languages and loses all sense of irony, and it's bouncing back and forth...They used to say you can't make a joke in print, but you can get away with it on film. But now you can't get away with it there. I did get my balls done, though. I got them unwrinkled. It's the new thing in Hollywood--ball ironing."

In true superstar fashion, Clooney's simple joke started an entirely new cosmetic trend.

Nurse Jamie, who performs cosmetic procedures in Hollywood, credits Clooney with starting the phase, even though he did not receive the procedure himself.

She calls the procedure "the male laser lift."