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Erin Brockovich DUI: Non-Polluted Water to Blame

Erin Brockovich was charged with a DUI over the weekend. This time it was the fault of non-polluted water.

Brockovich, who Julia Roberts won an Emmy portraying, turns 53 in a few days. She decided to take her boat out for a little early celebration.

That's when things went horribly awry.

Erin, who had been drinking heavily throughout the day, was also the captain of a small boat. Her erratic driving quickly drew suspicion.

In the state of Nevada, it is illegal to operate a watercraft while inebriated. A game warden, who was present at the dock, noticed Mrs. Brockovich was having considerable trouble parking her craft.

The officer categorized Mrs. Brockovich's actions as unsteady and her speech as extremely slurred. A breathalyzer was administered, and it was revealed that her blood alcohol level was twice the allowed limit.

Erin was taken from Lake Mead in handcuffs and was officially charged with DUI at the station. Her mugshot, featured below, is enough to excite Chris Brown.

Mrs. Brockovich was released on a $1,000 bond, which considering how successful her consulting firm is, posed no problem.

Brockovich reached out to the media with the following statement:

"After a day in the sun and with nothing to eat it appears that a couple of drinks had a greater impact than I had realized...At no time was the boat away from the dock and there was no public safety risk. That being said, I take drunk driving very seriously, this was clearly a big mistake, I know better and I am very sorry."