British actor Daniel Craig has reportedly been looking to get out of his James Bond contract with Sony Pictures almost from the very minute he signed it. According to the latest gossip news updates, Rachel Weisz husband has a plan to get out of the role at least one whole movie earlier than previously expected. Word has it Craig is teaming up with franchise director Sam Mendes to demand that the new movie, Spectre, be their last 007 film. Apparently, Sony may be more than happy to let Daniel go as it was revealed in the now infamous Sony Hacks perpetrated by North Korea that the studio has expressed interest in bringing Idris Elba in as the first black James Bond in history.
Hard as it may to believe, Daniel Craig really has no interest in playing the iconic role of James Bond, and he never has.
In an interview with Rolling Stone back in 2012, Craig admitted as much, but claimed that it didn't matter to the studio that produced the movies, Sony Pictures (via Daily Beast):
"I've been trying to get out of this from the very moment I got into it.
"But they won't let me go, and I've agreed to do a couple more, but let's see how this one does, because business is business and if the shit goes down, I've got a contract that somebody will happily wipe their ass with."
A secret source with the inside scoop claims in Star Magazine's December 29, issue that Craig had finally devised a strategy to get out of the franchise that was a little more aggressive than just hoping the world gets tired or seeing him in a tuxedo.
According to the informant, Daniel has decided to team up with director Sam Mendes, who is also tired of helming the franchise, and demand that Sony find some folks that actually want the job after Spectre is finished:
"Daniel was supposed to make two more films after Skyfall, but he and Sam want out of their contracts."
It looks like Daniel, at least, may soon be granted his wish to leave the world of James Bond for good reports the Daily Beast.
They have combed through the mountains of data stolen and leaked by the North Korean cyberterrorists that took down the Interview and discovered that there has already been talk coming from company heads like Amy Pascal -- calling for Idris Elba to replace Craig when his tenure's done.
So...she isn't 100 percent racist after all.
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