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'Family Guy' Seth MacFarlane Fires Amanda Seyfried from ‘Ted 2’ after Mark Wahlberg Doggie Feud? [NEWS UPDATE]

Lovelace actress Amanda Seyfried may have to be fired by Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane if she can't keep her obnoxious dog, Finn, from wreaking havoc on the set of his new movie Ted 2. According to that latest gossip news updates, the Big Love alum is driving everyone crazy by bringing her pet to work with her, and Mark Wahlberg has had enough. Word has it that everyone is trying to be accommodating to the Instagram bikini feet model, but it is getting to a place where it's either Marky Mark or the Australian shepherd that has got to go. And Fin wasn't in Ted 1, was he?

Last month it was reported that Seth MacFarlane and the rest of the cast and crew of Ted 2 had their hands full night-and-day trying to deal with Amanda Seyfried and her onset pet, Finn the dog.

A source opened up about all the tension the dog's presence was bringing to the set in Star Magazine's October 20, issue--revealing that the dog was even starting to get on nice guy, Mark Walhberg's very valuable nerves:

"Amanda brings Finn to the set every day -- and it's becoming a real problem.

"The dog barks and cries when Amanda is filming and it delays production.

"Mark loves animals, but Finn is starting to drive him insane."

A new production informant explained in the latest December 1, issue of In Touch Weekly that weeks later things were really came to a boiling point when Amanda let the dog take a major league dump on the major motion picture set:

"At one point [on October 27] he pooped in front of everyone!

"He was running all over the place.

To make matters even worse, Seyfried seems to be completely out of touch with the problems the dog is causing for her coworkers or how people reportedly feel about the situation:

"After it happened, she had someone take him outside for the rest of the day.

"She didn't want anyone to make him feel bad."

Sorry Amanda but you are neither talented, successful nor pretty enough to get away with this level of eccentricity, even in you are going to have to work on one of those areas and send that dog to some sort of obedience school in the meantime.

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