The verdict may still be out on whether of not Blue Blood actor Donnie Wahlberg made a huge mistake when he recently married former nude Playboy Playmate, Jenny McCarthy. According to the latest gossip news updates, the often topless TV personality has landed herself her very own satellite radio show on Sirius XM, but also doubled down on her vacation stance. The former View cast member claims that she never insisted vaccines gave her son, Evan, autism, but families should look into options outside of vaccination just in case.
Thankfully for newlywed Donnie Wahlberg, he wasn't the sole bread winner of the new little family he started with Jenny McCarthy for very long.
The almost too hot for TV McCarthy told the NY Daily News that radio felt like the best place for her, because it allowed her to say and do every little insane thing that pops into her head without worry of upsetting any producers or censors:
"I'd always thought radio is something I'd do someday...But when I did it this summer, it was like, 'Oh My God, finally I get to be myself.'
"Two hours of total freedom. I haven't had anything like this in years."
Of course, that gift for gab is just as likely to get Jenny in trouble, especially whenever the, now, polarizing topic of childhood vaccination comes up.
During a recent interview with the Daily Beast, McCarthy explained that she was not now nor had she ever been anti-vaccination, but she sure as hell isn't for letting your child get vaccinated all willy-nilly either (via Huffington Post):
"I am not anti-vaccine...The ironic thing is my position has always remained the same.
"I'm in this gray zone of, I think everyone should be aware and educate yourself and ask questions.
"And if your kid is having a problem, ask your doctor for an alternative way of doing the shots."
Not to cast any aspersions but you would think that someone as open and straight forward about their own sexuality as Jenny McCarthy would be for giving every kind of Hepatitis vaccination to any and all comers.
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