CONSOLATION PRIZE: Anna Netrebko Canceling Tchaik's 'Iolanta' Due to Throat Infection?...WIN IT ON CD!
Google Play's 'Classical Live' Gives Orchestras New Outlet for Live Records
Perhaps the largest effort to bring classical into the digital age, Google's upcoming music platform, dubbed 'Classical Live' aims to bring together audiences of all stripes. The idea is to provide listeners with exactly what the namesake denotes: exclusive live recordings of the world's most well-known orchestras. Fast Food Fight: McDonald's Scotland Piping in Beethoven, Bach to Quell Public Unrest [VIDEO]
If one were to scour the vast libraries of YouTube for fast food restaurant brawls, one might find a buffet of altercations taking place at Wendy's, IHOP and so on. However, for Scotland's busiest McDonalds, a new regiment of classical music is being played in order to simmer down the revolting public.