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Classicalite's Liner Notes for Joyce DiDonato's 'ReJoyce'

Regarding 'Diva, Divo:' Not since Tiresias, in Thebes, has a gender-bend been more dramatically wrought. Humble, never haughty, wethinks the pride of Prairie Village, herself--Kansas' native mezzo Joyce DiDonato--still puts on her breeches one glorious aria at a time.
  • Gödel, Escher, Bach: The Eternal Braid at 34

    Despite the best efforts of would-be interdisciplinarians throughout Euclidean space and Cartesian time--from antiquity's Pythagoreans, to Leonard Meyer's Chicago cohorts of the '60s, to the acolytes of Douglas R. Hofstadter's Bloomington colloquia--music, science and knowledge, while certainly linked beyond mere coincidence or the occasional isomorphism, ultimately exist as three functionally discrete, fully autonomous endeavors.
  • Lang Lang Plays Liszt and the Rain!

    If an earthquake couldn't stop him, what's a li'l drizzle going to do to superstar pianist Lang Lang? Evidently, nothing at all.
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