Charlie Parker's 'Yardbird' Opera to Sing Again at the Apollo in New York City
NRBQ's Terry Adams Gets His Band to `Talk Thelonious' on New Monk Tribute (REVIEW)
The first Thelonious Monk composition that NRBQ pianist/founder Terry Adams, 67, ever heard was "Off Minor." It was the early 1960s and it blew his mind. Adams had been figuring out that age-old I-IV-V blues progression. He had never heard anything like Monk! It started a lifelong fascination that has now culminated in 'Talk Thelonious' by Adams and his NRBQ band-mates on vinyl (Euclid Records) and CD (Clang! via Burnside Distribution). Late Hans Koller's 'Relax With My Horns' 1966 Reissue on MPS-Germany (REVIEW)
The re-release of Hans Koller's 1966 Relax With My Horns (MPS, Germany) shows a master at the top of his game. For us intense listeners, the disc is composed, arranged and produced with a sense of cheekiness. The sum is a tidy little package of swing, blues and multi-tracked sax that echoes the iconic group Supersax, that wild 1972 saxophone quintet who performed all things Bird.