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Kylie Jenner Blasts Instagram Over Algorithm Changes to the Feed

Celebrities on Instagram are hoping their followers will turn on their notifications, which alert users each time their account creates a post. Kylie Jenner is one of the most popular influencers in the photo and video sharing app and she is upset over the new changes that Instagram has made to its feed.

“Ugh Instagram if it’s not broke don’t fix it!" Jenner said on her post. "Instagram is changing out of chronological order so let’s say you love someone’s photos but don’t physically ‘like’ their pics they will bump them to the bottom. It’s called INSTAgram for a reason. I don’t really understand it and there has to be another motive because you follow people for a reason..”

A photo posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on Mar 28, 2016 at 12:27pm PDT

Other users felt the change would only help already popular accounts get even more likes. But in a major turn of events, celebrities who stand to gain from the new Instagram algorithm are speaking out against the change, most notably, the 18-year-old Keeping Up With The Kardashians star.

“I’m trying to see everyone’s pics,” she continued. “That’s why you created the unfollow button if u don’t want to see their photos. I hate this new update @instagram is slowly trying to introduce & yes it’s true they warned us all a few weeks ago.”

Rather than presenting users with a chronological list of posts, the algorithm will sort posts based on "the likelihood you'll be interested in the content, your relationship with the person posting, and the timeliness of the post." Instagram is still testing the feature in small groups and said it could take months to be ready to officially roll out the change.

Even though Jenner didn't know what reasons Instagram had in changing their algorithm at first, she took to Twitter shortly after posting her disappointment to suggest money might be involved.

What do you think? Will the Insta world be better with an algorithm change that tries to guess what you'll like or no? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.