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New Rock Opera 'Divo Nerone' Portrays Emperor Nero in Different Light

You may know Emperor Nero as the guy who played his fiddle while Rome burned. But perhaps the nefarious authoritarian was just misunderstood. To aid in that process, it's been announced that Nero will get a musical makeover through a new biographical rock opera coming out later this year.

The musical, entitled Divo Nerone, will be staged by Oscar-winning production designer Dante Ferretti along with other big names. Perhaps the big moment, as it's been noted, will be the great fire that many believe was started intentionally by the Emperor.

On the production team is Francesa Lo Schiavo, costume designer Gabriella Pescucci and Grammy Award-winning lyricist Franco Migliacci.

Perhaps one of the most interesting details is that Divo Nerone plans to be staged atop the open-air venue on the Palatine Hill, which sits directly above the underground ruins of Nero's residence. Ironic coincidence? Probably not as this all seems intentional and quite direct.

The show is set to run approximately two-hours and will feature several Ferretti fixtures crafted to resemble ancient Rome as it looked during Nero's reign. Italian impresario Cristian Casella said of the stage setup, "The audience will be able to see a live representation of ancient Rome catching fire, with a realistic representation of the real setting of the time."

Nero, by most accounts, was known to be a vicious ruler of Rome who killed himself over paranoia that he would be executed as a public enemy of the empire. This new production, however, claims that maybe Nero was a good guy turned bad by the times.

Casella went on further to comment:

"Nero really never wanted to be emperor. He wanted to be an artist, an actor and singer.He also wanted to make his mark as a cultural innovator in Rome, "at a time when the Roman Empire was not at war."

Divo Nerone plans to open in June and will premiere at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival via Storm Entertainment.

A most ambitious production, indeed. Preview Nero below in the meantime.