Blizzard Entertainment may be turning their upcoming Warcraft movie into a clever marketing stunt designed to reel in new players to the game. According to rumor, and confirmed as a possibility by Blizzard staff, if you buy a Warcraft movie ticket, you may get the game, expansions, and free time.
World of Warcraft is still one of the biggest online role-playing games in the world, even if it no longer has quite the number of subscribers as in its golden age. No doubt the Warcraft movie will help garner interest in the game again, and if Blizzard Entertainment actually goes through with the ticket purchase deal, it could revitalize the game's online community with a shot of fresh blood. Including the expansions and free game time will encourage people who see a good deal when they see it to at least try the game, and some will definitely be hooked into renewing their subscription. You can see the actual official survey (including typo) from the original Reddit post.
Now, the image does confirm that Blizzard is only considering doing this, but the timing is excellent. The next World of Warcraft expansion comes out around September 21, and getting players engaged a few months in advance (June 10th release date) will only encourage them to purchase the additional content when it is released. If Blizzard does not go ahead with the deal, it seems like a waste of a beautiful opportunity to turn a profit. According to Screen Rant, "If Blizzard does move forward with the special edition, it will likely be positive for the WoW community as a whole - as any bump in subscriptions resulting from the special edition will help to support the game that current players know and love."
So what do you think about this deal? Will it help World of Warcraft, or is the influx of new players (possibly only for a month) going to cause issues? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below!
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