ABC is calling for a new game show based on a famous Jimmy Kimmel Live's dubbed"Who Knows...?" game segment. The 30 minute show will be called "Big Fan" and will be hosted by Conan O'Brien cohort, Andy Richter while Kimmel, in concert with Banijay Studios, will produce the show.
The premise of the show is fairly simple. One celebrity will be put in the spotlight and three of their biggest fans will compete to see who knows more about said celebrity. At the end of the initial fan matchup, the winning contestant will be pitted against the celebrity to see if the fan knows more about their hero than the actual star does. The winner, assuming it is the fan, gets an unforgettable moment with their idol, as if playing against them and winning was not unforgettable enough.
Kimmel's "Who Knows..?" segment became a smash hit when he aired the game featuring the famous singer of "California Gurls" Katy Perry back in April of 2014. During the segment, Perry laughingly referred to the "Who Knows" as "The most narcissistic game ever." The video clip went on to become a huge viral success online. It is no wonder ABC has chosen this particular segment as their answer to Spike's popular TV show Lip Sync Battle based on a beloved Jimmy Fallon segment.
David Goldberg, the CEO of Banijay Group President and Banijay Studios North America CEO seems to think so as Variety has quoted him as saying, "Night after night, 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' delivers a slew of great comic bits. There were many to choose from, but 'Who Knows...?' featuring Katy Perry stood out as one that could be expanded into a really unique comedic game show concept that gives fans at home a chance to be part of the experience"
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