The Bollywood press has tried to draw Deepika Padukone into the middle of the Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif split, but so far she has wisely not taken the bait. Recently, during an interview, Deepika was asked to comment about the break-up, but would not answer. The reporter pressed Deepika for a comment and the Tamasha actress promptly walked out. I guess you can quote her on that. Besides, her plate is full with the XXX film.
Of course, one can hardly blame her. Speculation has placed her as the one responsible for ending the six-year relationship. Deepika and Ranbir came together for the summer hit, Tamasha, and people were buzzing about their chemistry. Both Ranbir and Deepika were playful and very comfortable in each other's presence during promo interviews for the film.
According to Fashion N Style, "Padukone reportedly decided to ignore the question completely when she was asked about Kapoor and Kaif's breakup. It appeared that the question annoyed her more since she simply just walked out after the question was asked."
Deepika has better things on which to focus, anyway. Her Hollywood debut nears, and she is working hard to prepare for this, in serious physical training to be in shape for the Vin Diesel action flick. Deepika is raising the bar for the other cast members. Orange is the New Black actress, Ruby Rose, commented about this on Twitter. From DNA India, is this, "The Orange is the New Black star was answering a question on Twitter when she wrote, "I don't know man @deepikapadukone is freaking me out with these fitness videos. I have to catch up... But pizza."
@RubyRoseLover0 I don't know man @deepikapadukone is freaking me out with these fitness videos.. I have to catch up.. But pizza
- Ruby Rose (@RubyRose) January 28, 2016
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