Deepika Padukone has been mum about her foray to Hollywood and working with Vin Diesel in the new film XXX until now. At a recent event in Delhi to promote her watch brand,Deepika spoke about her big career move. She spoke on a wide variety of topics and tried to dispel some swirling rumors as well.
To NDTV, Deepika admitted that the jump to Hollywood was a little scary, "I am excited, but very nervous. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone. I'm moving out of my country working with a new set of people so i am very nervous." In a couple of weeks she will begin filming XXX Return of Xander Cage with Vin Diesel .When the actress was asked about the unlikely choice of a Vin Diesel film for her debut in Hollywood the actress replied "I don't know why everyone feels like this for me. As an actor,it's always been to challenge myself to do different things and this seemed the right choice."
According to IndianTimes which has a interview comment from Deepika her ethnicity was a factor in her getting the role " The reason they are roping me in is because of my background ." The actress also has stated that a reason for agreeing to make this film is " Most importantly I feel proud to be a part of a film where i get to show my ethnicity."
Finding good roles in a Hollywood film can be difficult for a women of ethnicity but Deepika maintains that if her experience XXX is positive she is open to an international career. She doesn't have any Hindi film releases scheduled for 2016 . Deepika Padukone is giving Hollywood a long hard look. We will have to wait and see how it responds. XXX Return of Xander Cage also stars Samuel L Jackson , The Vampire Diaries star Nina Dobrev and Jet Li. The action thriller will be directed Dj Caruso.
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