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Eddie ‘Neptune’ Eskridge Calls ‘SYTYCD’ Season 12 Best Ever?

Season 12 of So You Think You Can Dance might have ended months ago for many of their fans, but the Top Ten still find themselves performing on the post-season tour night after night. According to Eddie "Neptune" Eskridge the fans that have made it out to the 70-city tour have told him that they think it's the best in the series' history. That's should be good news for Gaby Diaz and Jaja Vaňková at the very least says Season 6 runner-up Jakob Karr. To hear Karr tell it, the biggest opportunities of his career came as a consequence of his performing on the show.

The ratings certainly didn't reflect as much, but Neptune Eskridge insists in a recent interview with Murtz Jaffer that fans keep telling him that they believe Season 12 of So You Think You Can Dance to be the best ever (via Inside Pulse):

"Every city that we have been going to we get a lot of feedback.

"Basically, when we go to meet and greets, people have been saying that this is the best season so far.

"So that is a really big accomplishment for us, because there have been previous dancers that have been amazing -- that inspired up to want to be on the show."

As one of those dancers, Season 6 runner-up, Jakob Karr knows that making a name for yourself on the So You Think You Can Dance can change a dancer's career forever.

When asked by Broadway World what performing on the show had done for him, Harr couldn't help but admit that a string of jobs seemed to come to him as a direct result of his appearing on the series:

"The show definitely put me out there and introduced me to some really important people.

"I was invited to dance on the Academy Awards! It was my first professional paying job and it was amazing.

"Right after that I moved to Maryland and began rehearsals with Rasta Thomas' Bad Boys of Dance.

"I toured with them on and off for about two years and then on a whim I went out to Las Vegas to audition for Cirque Del Soleil."

What do you think about Neptune's assertion that Season 12 was the best yet?

Was the show helped immensely by the network's splitting the contestants into Street and Stage teams?

Or, does the fact that that format is being abandoned for 2016 prove that Season 12 is something that the So You Think You Can Dance franchise would like to soon forget?

Let us hear what you can say about it in the comment field below.