Salman Khan's highly antipated epic Sultan finally has an actress. After lengthy delays and a lot of speculation, Anushka Sharma has been cast in the lead female role and also will player a wrestler. While the thought of sexy Anushka Sharma playing a wrestler might get some people's attention, what most are clamoring about is that there is to be a sequence in the film where Salman and Anushka wrestle each other.
It will be interesting to see how the sequence is handled. One could guess that there will be sexual undertones involved but this is Salman Khan we're talking about and he generally discourages those things in his films. Anyway, let's back up a second and hear from the Deccan Chronicle, "A massive showdown between Salman and Anushka's characters in the wrestling ring is being planned. How it will be shot and what kind of special training Anushka will have to take to look convincing, are being worked upon. Authenticity is the key to Sultan. All the locations and wrestling bouts shown in the film will be real, and not doctored on the editing table."
Since Sharma is playing a wrestler, she will not get the usual glamor treatment. India Today provides a sneak peek at the type of character Sharma will be playing in the film. It is a departure from her usual girl-next-door characters but everyone feels she will be equal to the challenge, "It isn't another typical Salman film. The leading lady has a prominent role. She plays a mature woman - a wrestler. She has to look on par with Salman. For the first time, she will essay a character slightly older than her age and it's a trademark shift from her girl-next-door kind of roles. Since she is also playing a wrestler in Sultan, her look will be more realistic or de-glam throughout the film. She doesn't need to look like a million bucks."
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