After his break up with girlfriend Katrina Kaif, Ranbir Kapoor sought the safe refuge of his parents. He rented an apartment near them and has since then proceeded to keep a low profile, avoiding both the media and Katrina Kaif. It is difficult, due to the widely varying accounts, how serious this break up is. It has been suggested it might be an effort to promote their new films, Katrina's Fitoor and their joint venture Jaaso Jaagas.
Jaaso Jaagas is turning into Bombay Velvet 2, at least where Ranbir Kapoor is concerned. But Katrina Kaif could use a hit as well. While both could use some publicity, investing in a probable dog like Jaaso Jaagas is risky at best. Ranbir, seemingly, has been trying to regroup. Says Bollywood Life , "Ranbir has shifted in the new apartment almost a week back, and he has kept his presence in the apartment very hush hush. He doesn't want that people in the building or his fans should get aware of his shifting." Fitoor, as well, has had its share of problems and is also a risky venture to try to get a return from.
In true Bollywood fashion, the next event in the saga is designed to further entice and cause more questions. That way, interest is kept. During a press conference for Fitoor, a journalist made the mistake of asking Katrina if this whole break up thing was just one big put on. After all, look at the narrative. It is tightly constructed and relatively unmessy. This from Masala, "Then rather unexpectedly, Kat was asked if her breakup with Ranbir Kapoor was just a gimmick. The question was like a bomb ticking off, the production team of Fitoor went berserk and tried repeatedly to shut down the interview and create a scene. However, Kat herself was as cool as a cucumber and more than willing to answer the question but was explicitly instructed not to."
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