Jerry Seinfeld, creator of the Epicly popular comedy show Seinfeld, appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to promote his year-long comedy show at The Beacon which kicked off last night. During his visit to Colbert's show, Seinfeld does a five minute stand up comedy performance for Colbert fans.
Broadway World quotes Seinfeld as saying, "My favorite theater in New York to perform in has always been The Beacon. Comedians live for certain houses that just feel 'alive' for some reason." During his interview with Colbert, Seinfeld goes a little further and explains exactly what it is that he loves about the 87 year-old theater, referencing its Vaudeville heritage and the fact that it simply has a real theater vibe.
Seinfeld's comedy show will be held once a month for the next year at The Beacon Theater in New York. The Allman Brothers and Steely Dan will also perform during the legendary comedian's monthly gigs. The trifecta of performers should put together some really amazing shows.
During his five minute comedy bit on The Late Show, Seinfeld makes fun of America's obesity issues, Hungry Man TV dinners, donut holes -- or more accurately, the impossibility of their existence -- and buffets.
Colbert also helps Seinfeld promote his new Internet show, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee by showing a clip from an episode that features Barack Obama. In the clip, Obama drives Seinfeld around the grounds of the White House looking for a way to leave for a cup of coffee. Spoiler Alert: The president isn't allowed to leave without a full retinue of babysitters!
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