The showdown of Bollywood giants began on Friday in theaters around the world. The fight was between the old and the new for supremacy at the box office. It pitted Shah Rukh Khan's newest film Dilwale against Deepika Padukone and her new historical drama Bajirao Mastani. As it stands right now, it looks as if SRK's film will win the challenge.
It was a big risk by the makers of Bajirao going up against SRK. As has been the case time and again, very few stars have the clout to take on Shah Rukh Khan head to head a This from Indian Express, "Dilwale has opened to an occupancy of 70 per cent while Bajirao Mastani opened at 30 per cent. The opening day collection for Dilwale will be somewhere around Rs 21-22 crore. Bajirao might settle for a Rs 10-12 crore opening day figure,"
In the long run, however, an industry insider feels that Bajirao Mastani's positive word of mouth campaign will help it out. Dilwale, on the otherhand, will be looked at as mindless Shah Rukh vehicle. According to India Today, "Dilwale has become the third highest opener of the year 2015 after Salman Khan's Prem Ratan Dhan Payo and Bajrangi Bhaijaan. Prem Ratan Dhan Payo had earned Rs 40.35 crore and Bajrangi Bhaijaan minted Rs 27.25 crore on its first day."
So, what it boils down to is SRK's Dilwale is the popular film. It is light, airy entertainment to do one thing - make money, which is what is what it is doing. Deepika's Bajirao Mastani, while it probably won't outdistance its adversary, it will stand the test of time and be around quite a bit longer than SRK's film.
Tell us what you think. Which film do you prefer? Which is the better film? Let us know your thoughts.
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