Beautiful Tamil starlet Nayanthara, fresh on the heels of her success in the horror comedy Maya, has signed on to do another horror/crime-comedy. The project is as of now without a title but does have a director attached to it. It will be produced by director A. Sarkunam. The unnamed project will be directed by Sarkunam's long time assistant Dass Ramaswamy and will be starting to film soon.
Nayanthara has been on a roll of recent. With three hits in a row, the star is one of the most sought after actresses in the south of India. Born Diana Mariam Kurian, the 31 year old actress has built quite a career for herself. After debuting in 2003, Nayanthara has 58 features to her credit in a little over twelve years. Needless to say, she has been very busy.
But there is more on her plate as well. She will soon start working with actor Vikram in a yet-untitled Tamil project with director Anand Shankar and will also await the release of romantic-drama Idhu Namma Aalu.
As for Nayanthara's new film, this comes from The Times of India, "Nayanthara is impressed with the script as it's an interesting horror-comedy. Directed by Doss, the script also deals with crime. We are yet to decide on the other cast and the shoot dates. "
The New Indian Express ran this about the film. Quote, "Director Sarkunam, who has made films like Kalavani (2010) and Vaagai Sooda Vaa (2011), turned producer with Manja Pai (2014), a film directed by his assistant director Raghavan. Now, the director-producer is all set to produce his next film, to be directed by another assistant director, Das Ramasamy. Sources say that it's a female-oriented script, which will feature Nayanthara in the lead role. Says a source, 'The project is yet to be titled. In fact, the team is in the process of finalising the cast and crew. The film will be a thriller, with a generous dose of humour.'"
Whether Nayanthara can continue her recent string of successes remains to be seen. She has pushed all the right buttons to date and there's no reason to believe she will stop. Stay tuned
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