Director Ram Gopal Varma has got himself in a little snit with producer Boney Kapoor over his wife's, Sridevi, thundering thighs. Confused? Well, Varma directed Sridevi in a couple of films a long time ago where he openly admired her "thundering thighs".Varma wasn't content with that. He liked Sridevi's "thundering thighs" so much he had to commit his ode to them on the written page, namely his autobiography the aptly titled Guns and Thighs. Stay tuned for Varma's rap song about Sridevi's "thunder thighs."
Needless to say, producer Boney Kapoor is none too happy about any of it. This from the Indian Express, "Boney Kapoor has called filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma "crazy", "bonkers" and a "pervert" for openly sharing his admiration for the producer's wife Sridevi. But that hasn't deterred RGV from praising the actress' "thundering thighs". "
Ram Gopal Varma, however, insists that Boney Kapoor is make more out of the whole affair than he shoud. In fact, Varma feels he mistreats Sridevi. From the Times of India, we get an excerpt of Varma's book, "To see Sridevi making tea in Boney Kapoor's kitchen was a huge letdown. I won't forgive him because he brought the angel down from heaven to the kitchen of his apartment."
If this sounds messed up to you, then you are probably not alone. Of course, Varma could reason it out very sufficiently. Again, from the previous Indian Express, ""It was a love letter... I was going overboard but that was my feeling. Everyone can have a crush on anyone, be it on a real person or a celebrity, you enjoy that feeling of high... It is almost like a drug."
No, not sorted in the least.
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