Curse dead. Apparently, Ranbir Kapoor is not box office poison after all. Released November 27, Tamasha is quickly making its way to the Rs 50 crore mark in its fifth day of release. India Today had a break down by day of its earnings, "The Ranbir-Deepika-starrer had opened to Rs 10.94 crore, and had earned Rs 38.23 crore in its first three days. On Saturday (November 28), the film collected Rs 13.17 crore, followed by Rs 14.12 crore on Sunday (November 29). The first Monday, which is considered a box office litmus test of sorts for films, Tamasha managed to do a business of Rs 5.07 crore in India. The total collection of the film after four days of its release stands at Rs 43.40 crore."
Worldwide the take has been good as well. In its first four days Tamasha collected 22.40 crore. All told the film has pulled in 65 crore According to International Business Times, "The four-day box office collection of Tamasha is better than Ranbir's last two releases -- Roy and Bombay Velvet. While Roy minted Rs 44.52 crore in its lifetime run, Bombay Velvet minted approximately Rs 23.67 crore. The film has also shattered the records of Shahid Kapoor starrer Shaandaar (Rs 43.13 crore) in India.
All concerned are estactic about the success. Ranbir and Deepika are planning a celebration of their success. Although the film received some criticism, it has largely been all positive for the film and its stars..According to The Indian Express, "Imtiaz Ali's latest entertainer "Tamasha", featuring Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone, has amassed Rs.38.23 crore in the opening weekend, thereby giving the movie's team a reason to party. According to a statement by the film's makers, the opening day Brought in Rs.10.94 crore, day two Rs.13.17 crore and day three was Rs.14.12 crore - taking the overall figures to Rs.38.23 crore."
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