Ranbir Kapoor stars this month in Imtiaz Ali's new film, Tamasha. Starring opposite his former flame, Deepika Padukone, the enigmatic Ranbir Kapoor looks to rebound at the box office and re-establish a credibility to his career, which his somewhat eccentric movie selections have tarnished. Criticisize him however you like, Kapoor marches to the beat of his own drum and prefers a much more subtle approach to acting. Like Johnny Depp in so many ways, he relishes the underdog role, or as Ranbir Kapoor describes it, "the Harry Potter role."
A shy and retiring man, Ranbir's bloodline is that of Indian acting royalty. He is uncomfortable with the expectations the name Kapoor binds you to. From the Times of India, Kapoor elaborates, "I am a believer in films like Shree 420 and Life Is Beautiful where heroism is not interlinked with beating people into pulp. It is not so much about dialogues as it is about the deeds. I have done a lot of coming-of-age films which makes me the Harry Potter of the film industry. I love playing the underdog."
However, like Johnny Depp, Ranbir's film choices recently have not found a ready agreement with the movie-going public. He prefers the non-traditional roles that are risky box office gambles at best, such as an upcoming biopic on jailed Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt. This quote by Ranbir comes via FilmiBeat, "When I'll start Rajkumar Hirani's biopic on Sanjay Dutt, I will try to be like him, get his body type... He had put on some weight too... I don't know how much weight I'll put on. When the discussions will begin regarding the film maybe then I'll decide, As an actor, it is our responsibility that when we come on screen people say its something different... It's important to have a physical transformation on screen."
Dutt currently is in prison serving hard time for terroism charges.
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