Bollywood beauty Deepika Padukone wants to conquer Hollywood. She missed out on a chance to appear in Fast & Furious 7 due to a previous filming commitment but now is focused on conquering Hollywood with the same grace and style she used to tame her home country.
One of the most popular actresses, in an industry that out produces Hollywood in number of films, Deepika Padukone has a worldwide following already and has admittedly been toying with the idea of going to Hollywood because she feels that actors are limited in India once they get to a certain age. The Hindustan Times brings this quote from Deepika about agism in India, "If something interesting comes up I will take up. Here we are subject to shelf life... keeps arising... times have changed. There it is not like that."
From The Express Tribune comes this quote from Deepika,"I couldn't do Fast and Furious 7 because I was busy promoting Ram Leela. I'm ready to explore opportunities in Hollywood and if something interesting comes along, I don't mind taking it up,"
The actress' next film sees her starring opposite former boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor. In spite of all the success, Deepika remains grounded and doesn't let success go to her head. From the same article, "I'm still the same person I was when I started acting. Nothing about me has changed. I still do dishes at home and my parents continue to support me,"
According to the Hindustan Times, even boyfriend Ranveer Singh is behind Deepika trying her hand at Hollywood films. In a recorded message played during a festival Deepika attended, Singh said he was confident that she would succeed.
One can only wonder if Priyanka Chopra's success with her new ABC television show Quantico made Hollywood seem more attractive to Deepika.
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