As an up and coming actress, Deepika Padukone has received all kinds of advice about her career. Some of that advice has been good, while other bits of it have not been so good. Deepika revealed the best and worst advice she's been given in her career during an interview and it may surprise you.
Early in her career, Bollywood star Deepika Padukone was told if she wanted to be a success in film, she had to have plastic surgery. Considered one of the most beautiful women in the world today, Deepika considers the advice to be the worst advice of her career and, of course, she totally ignored it. Quoted in The Huffington Post, "Tagging it as the worst career advice ever, the 29-year-old actress said in a recent interview that she was advised to undergo a plastic surgery during the initial stage of her career, reports the Express tribune."
Deepika would not reveal who it was that suggested she get plastic surgery. It was at a special event "Women of Worth" that Deepika revealed the advice given to her. Deepika, admired as much as for her intelligence and courage as her looks, has become an inspiration to numerous women worldwide for her championing of equality in a sometimes conservative country.
As for the best advice Deepika Padukone ever got, it came from her father, Prakash Padukone, a badminton player and a strong and positive force in Deepika's life. This from Business of Cinema, "The actress also spoke on the good advice that her father gave. She said that the best advice to date was given by her father that, "be passionate for what you do and enjoy what you do."
That advice has propelled Deepika through her very public battles with depression and establishing herself as one of the premiere actresses, not only in Bollywood but the world as well.
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