On the set of her 2014 film Happy New Year, Deepika Padukone came to a truth and a purpose. Suffering from clinical depression, Deepika wanted to raise awareness about a disease, mental health, that wasn't discussed much in India. The first ear she turned to was friend and mentor Shah Rukh Khan and he encouraged her to go after it. Now, with the coming October 10th start date for Deepika's foundation dedicated to raise mental health awareness, SRK is apparently going to be absent from the launch. Why?
Could it be the upcoming competition SRK's film Dilwale will face from Deepika's Bajirao Mastani, both set to hit theaters December 18th? Rumors have swirled that Deepika and SRK haven't been seeing eye to eye and have quarreled about Shah Rukh's unwillingness to push Dilwale's release date back. From Fashion & Style comes this, "This is one of the biggest clashes to happen this year and Padukone allegedly isn't very happy about it. Both films are slated to release on Dec. 18 and when Padukone reportedly asked SRK to have his team move the release date for Dilwale, that didn't happen, putting a strain on their friendship.However, SRK is on record saying overlapping release dates happen. They are a part of the business."
Proving that movie stars are normal people in disguise, the explanation is actually quite simpler. He has to work. The brief film workers strike set production of Dilwale behind. From NDTV.com comes this, " Shah Rukh Khan is shooting long hours to wrap Rohit Shetty's Dilwale, racing against time to make it to the release date of December 18."
So, while he may not be there in person, a deep sense of trust has built up between the two and Deepika knows full well SRK will be there if she is in need of his wisdom. Only one actress in all of Bollywood has acted in as many movies with SRK as Deepika.
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