While many of her fans have praised Lady Gaga's acting in American Horror Story: Hotel, Wendy Williams is not among them. According to BET's late night gossip queen, the "Do What U Want" singer should return to making music fulltime and leave the acting to the professionals. Wendy had similarly disparaging things to say about the new tell-all that Bobby Brown is supposedly writing about the recent deaths of his ex-wife, Whitney Houston, and their daughter, Bobbi Kristina. The wig wearing talk show host also recently took the time to call out Keeping Up with the Kardashians' Kim K for referring to her latest pregnancy as the worst thing that ever happened to her.
Although Lady Gaga's acting in American Horror Story: Hotel has been praised be fans and critics alike, Wendy Williams thinks it would be best if the fashionista either took a break to start making a family or left show business all together for a while.
In her latest contribution to the October 26, issue of Life & Style the radio DJ turned talk show host begs Gaga to leave the world of acting behind for good:
"Lady Gag recently credited her role on American Horror Story: Hotel for making her feel more normal than she does when she's touring. But if I were her, I wouldn't give up what she's best at: music.
"It you're really seeking normalcy, Gaga, take time off to marry your gorgeous fiancé, Taylor Kinney, and have a baby!"
As rough as that sounds, Wendy had even harsher words for Bobby Brown and his reported plan to follow Bobbi Kristina's tragic death up with a money making tell-all.
In a segment of her show last week, Williams called out the inappropriate timing as well as the legitimacy of Brown's retelling of the story:
"Bobby Brown...nobody cares. And furthermore, [it's] too soon. And fourthermore [sic], I would rather reed a Nick Gordon book than a Bobby Brown book.
"First of all, I don't feel like Bobby is going to be as truthful as we need him to be. The idea that a father would be writing a book relating to his deceased wife and his deceased daughter of only three months is...cheap. It's low."
Wendy Williams didn't feel the need to brow beat Kim Kardashian quite so badly for having the nerve to complain about her second pregnancy as the worst experience of her life, but the devoted mom did slam the reality star in L&S for being so out of touch with her fans:
"Millions of women would love to be pregnant right now, so it's time Kim Kardashian is sympathetic to somebody else other than herself."
What do you think about Bobby Brown's supposedly writing a new tell-all?
Is Wendy right it condemning the former R&B star for trying to capitalize on his daughter's death?
Or, is it only right that Brown try to salvage something positive out of one of the worst tragedies of his life?
Let us hear what you have to say about it in the comment field below.
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