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‘Grey’s Anatomy’ & ‘Scandal’ Cast Talks Shonda Rhimes?

It seems that men and women can have a very different experience working for ABC juggernaut Shonda Rhimes. According to the latest gossip news updates, the Shondaland showrunner lets her female actors wear whatever makes them feel most comfortable, while she makes all her male leads strip. When Grey's Anatomy's Jerinka Hinton talked about working with Rhimes she commented on how hyper-focused Shonda seemed to be on any given task at hand, while at the same time balancing four different TV shows along with her family obligations? But original Scandal cast member Tony Goldwyn described that Hollywood hit maker as more of a softcore pimp than a workaholic.

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that ABC's Thursday night showrunner Shonda Rhimes knows what she is doing when it comes to making good television, but at times her treatment of her actors can seem a little sexist.

In her recent interview with PopSugar, Jerinka Hinton, who has played Dr. Stephanie Edwards on Grey's Anatomy since 2012, talked about working with Rhimes as being with someone that you know has a million things going on at once, yet still takes the time to give each and every detail her undivided attention:

"I wish that there was a word for what it is that she does...Because the only way you can juggle all of those balls at once is by knowing which one to focus on: focus on one that's in the air at that time.

"So, when she's in the world of Grey's, she is 100 percent there. When she is in the world of Scandal, 100 percent there. Murder, 100 percent there. The Catch, 100 percent there. The book that she's writing, there. The other thing that's she's doing, there. At home with her kids, there."

In stark contrast, Scandal actor, Tony Goldwyn, talked about his time on the politically themed drama as being more of a Magic Mike like experience.

While recently chatting with Fox 5 New York, Tony joked that you can't be a man on one of Shonda's shows unless you are ready to show plenty of skin week after week (via People):

"Shonda's rule is, 'Women can wear whatever they want. The guys have to take their clothes off whenever I tell them to.

"So Scott [Foley] and I every week, we'd be reading these scripts out loud, we do it all together, and one of us would turn the page and our shirt would be off so we're like 'You're on deck,' 'You're up.' "

What do you think about Shonda Rhimes' shirts and skins policy at ABC?

Is it a little antiquated to still be treating men and women different in the workplace these days?

Or, is it about time someone in Hollywood started objectifying men in the same women have complained about for years.

Let us hear from you in the comment field below.

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