Tonight NBC’s hit new mystery drama, The Blindspot is back with an all new episode. The show stars Thor Lady Sif actress Jaimie Alexander as a mysterious women who showed up naked in Time Square covered in tattoos. Alexander was originally set to reprise her role in Thor 3: Ragnarok, however, that might be the case. The new series could keep her busy while Thor 3 films. Could Alexander really be quitting her gig at Marvel? Check the report below for a look at tonight’s episode as well as a look into Lady Sif’s future.
The official plot synopsis for tonight’s all new episode of Blindspot, titled “Eight Slim Grins," reads:
“Jane learns she has the same Navy SEAL tattoo as a recently captured jewel thief. Meanwhile, a man from Jane's memory visits her; and Weller and Mayfair are unsure about Jane's role on the team.”
Blindspot star Jaimie Alexander has portrayed Asgardian warrior Lady Sif in Thor and Thor 2: The Dark World as well as on the ABC series Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Everiler in the summer, Alexander confirmed that she would be returning to the role for Thor 3: Ragnarok, telling MTV at San Diego Comic Con:
“You’ll definitely see Sif again, that’s for sure.”
However, is citing a IMDB report that claims that Jaime’s commetment to The Blindspot might be keeping her away from the film.
What do you think about the latest rumor? Do you want to see Jamie Alexander show up in Thor 3? Should Lady Sif play a smaller role in the film? What do you think of her new NBC series? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
Be sure to check out the all new episode of The Blindspot, tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern on NBC.
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