Last week Fox premiered the TV adaptation of Steven Spielberg’s film Minority Report. Tonight, the second episode of futuristic procedural drama. The new series stars Stark Sands as the precog Dash, alongside Meagan Good, Nick Zano and Wilmer Valderrama (Fez from That 70’s Show).
The official plot synopsis for tonight’s all new episode of Minority Report, titled “Mr. Nice Guy,” reads:
“As Dash and Vega team to find a lovelorn killer, he continues to seek help from his siblings.”
Recently, Minority Report co-executive producer Darryl Frank spoke with Vulture about how the series came to be:
“We have so many properties that Steven [Spielberg] has directed or produced. People have always come through our library. This has always set up well for a series because it has this procedural ending. All the people who were pitching were pitching it from the John Anderton way in, which is the very traditional way in. Steven wanted something that felt different, so when Max [Borenstein] came in [with the idea of the PreCogs], that’s something the movie couldn’t do. That was the new twist.”
What did you think of last week’s premiere episode of Minority Report? Are you excited for tonight’s episode? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
Be sure to check out the all new episode of Minority Report the TV series, tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern on Fox after an all new episode of Gotham.
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