Popular anime and manga series Attack on Titan has been given a game adaptation and the first trailer for the game, which did not disappoint, debuted at Tokyo Game Show (TGS 2015) earlier this week. The trailer may be short but it certainly packs a fairly brutal punch. Developed by Omega Force, the team behind the Dynasty Warriors franchise, the game trailer shows off a great first look at the gameplay and it has been confirmed that the voice actors from the anime will be reprising their roles in the game. It has been given a release date of sometime in 2016 and will be available on the following platforms: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.
In a press release Koei Tecmo confirmed the 2016 release date and the passion behind the game, "I am very happy to reveal that we have started developing a new action game based on the phenomenally successful Attack on Titan. Having evolved from a manga/anime series to an internationally recognized brand, we were enchanted by the opportunity to create our own take on humanity's last stand against these overwhelmingly powerful beings, the Titans. Although there is still a long wait until this game is released in 2016, our studios are already pouring all of their passion and excitement into it and we hope to reveal more information soon." (Via Polygon)
The Attack on Titan game is based on the anime of the same name and manga publisher Kodansha's phenomenally popular action packed fantasy series that tells the tale of humans taking a last stand to save the human race by battling the giants (Titans) that have taken over their cities and have been killing and eating the humans.
Producer Koinuma stated, "Think of it as an action game set in the Attack on Titan world where players can move about freely. It won't be something where you simply defeat an enemy to progress the story, but rather the base is an action game and within that you can understand the original story." (Via iDigitalTimes)
The trailer gives you a great look at the protagonist and player character, Eren battling a Titan and it is brutal. In the battle, you see Eren dismembering the giant and it looks both elegant and exciting.
What do you think of the Attack on Titan game trailer? Are you excited to battle a Titan? Let us know in the comments.
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