The first instalment of the live action Attack on Titan movie has not even hit theaters yet, but that has not stopped the studio from releasing a trailer for part two, which contains some pretty substantial spoilers. Based on the manga series titled Shingeki no Kyojin, the plot points revealed in this new trailer will not only spoil things for the movie goer, but for fans of the anime series as well, due to the fact that season 2, Attack on Titan 2 is not yet to be released.
The film focusses on Eren, Mikasa and their friends who have joined the elite fighting forces of the Survey Corps in the hope of saving the remaining human population from the colossal Titans who have breached the walls and invaded the city.
Beware! Spoilers ahead.
Tech Times has reported that the brief look we get in the trailer showcases a pivotal moment where Eren gets eaten and then instead of dying emerges from the belly, becomes a Titan himself and starts fighting off the other giants. He is also seen on trial where he is asked, "Are you human or are you Titan?" As fans of the manga know, the answer to this question reveals quite a lot.
Attack on Titan is due to be released at theaters on September 30, with part two titled End of the World debuting on October 20.
Fans of the anime have also been treated to a few plot reveals for the upcoming second season Attack on Titan 2, which is due to air sometime in 2016.
The first season covered 4 story arcs and 34 chapters in the manga such as The Fall of Shiganshina, 104th Trainees Squad, Battle of Trost District and The Female Titan.
According to Crossmap, the second season will see the introduction of an ape-like Titan that can speak. The identities of Colossal Titan and Armored Titan will also be revealed to be that of Bertolt Hoover and Reiner Braun.
What do you think of these spoilers? Do you think the upcoming reveals ahead of the movie will ruin it for fans of the anime series? Let us know what you think in the comments.
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