The Bollywood blockbuster, Bombay Velvet, was supposed to do big things for its leading man, Ranbir Kapoor. It was supposed to be his rebound after two unsuccessful films in a row, Besharam and Roy. As it turns out, the film flopped, and Kapoor, never very good with the media anyway, watched as his career circled the drain. To top it off, rumors have began to make the internet that the actor hasn't even been paid for his efforts.
Media, especially on the internet, is a tricky thing. One site may say one thing while another one may say something completely different. In May, Bollywood Life ran an article that touched on the problem of the actors and crew of Bombay Velvet getting paid the money owed to them. There was one exception, "The recent we heard is that Anushka has only received the signing amount and is yet to receive the rest of her payment. In fact, it is also being said that the actress is mighty miffed about the whole situation as her co-star, Ranbir, has already received his remuneration."
Fast forward to July and a very different tale begins to emerge. Word began to circulate that Ranbir hadn't been paid at all. The Asian Age reported, "If rumours are to be believed, then Phantom Films, that co-produced the film is yet to clear the dues of Bombay Velvet's leading man Ranbir Kapoor. Allegedly, the actor is still to be paid a part of his remuneration. Sources say that his office has been following up with the makers but to no avail. We tried to contact Ranbir and Phantom Films for a clarification, but they remained unavailable for comment."
It is a PR disaster almost as big as the film itself.
So, what do you think? Does Bombay Velvet count as a Ranbir Kapoor failure? Should it? Does it change your perspective knowing that he maybe hasn't gotten paid for his work on the film? Leave us a comment and say what's on your mind.
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