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‘House of Card’ Spoilers: Kevin Spacey Season 4 Protégé Willing to Kill?

Going into Season 4 of Netflix hit political drama House of Cards the biggest question on everyone's mind is: How is President Frank Underwood going to handle his wife, played by Robin Wright, stating that she planned to leave him at in the 2015 finale? While Michael Kelly, who plays Doug Stamper on the TV show, refused to give away any real spoilers, the veteran actor did point out that Stamper was even illing to kill his own loved ones for Keven Spacey's character in Season 3.

Despite seeming like the ultimate power pair when the series' first debuted several seasons ago, House of Cards creator, Beau Williams, knows that the all the fans can think about over the hiatus is what is going to happen to the Underwood's once the show returns for Season 4.

In a recent interview with HuffPost Live, Williams spelled out the points of interest in the new season, without giving away any actually clues as to what is really going to happen on the show:

"If the marriage seems to be on the rocks to the degree that it is the nature questions are: Are Frank and Claire going to get back together? Are they not?

"What does it look like when they are not working together?"

Let's just hope for Claire Underwood's sake that she and Frank work things out before he resorts to the same method he's used in season's past when a female tried to positon herself in his path to power.

The actor who plays Frank's right-hand man and most often his chief of staff, Michael Kelly, explained to Gold Derby that in the end, his character's only real reasons for killing Rachel was Underwood's wanting him to do it:

"He loved her, it was obviously the hardest thing he ever had to do.

"So emotionally he loved her; whether it was this weird mother, or looking after her like she was his daughter, or an actual physical love that he had for her at some point, or another.

"Then it just comes down to his job, and his loyalty to Frank, was the most important thing."

Although the First Lady of the United States could hardly be knocked off without the country asking lots of angry questions, Frank proved back in Season 2 that it's really hard to get too many answers from out of a subway car, no matter how long you try to interrogate it.

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