Despite the fact that BET late night talk show host, Wendy Williams, has made a career out of shaming her fellow celebrities, the former radio DJ"s husband, Kevin Hunter, reportedly went into a psychotic rage after someone publicly poked a little fun at his wig selling wife. According to the latest gossip news updates, Williams and her husband/manger had to be escorted from the Georgia World Congress Center after comments made by Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member, NeNe Leakes, sent Mr. Wendy Williams into a frenzy. The incident has changed Williams' mind about insulting other Hollywood star, however; she just recently called Kim Kardashian selfish, just because Kanye West's Keeping Up with the Kardashians wife recently published a book composed entirely of selfies.
Wendy Williams' manger and husband, Kevin Hunter, supposedly went from behind-the-scenes adviser to onstage bouncer during the Ultimate Women's Expo -- trying to have NeNe Leakes forcibly removed for having poked fun at her Rules to Live By routine.
One eyewitness told Reality Tea that moments after NeNe made a comment about Wendy's 10 Rules, Hunter stormed the stage spewing one expletive after another:
"Kevin pushed through the curtains and stormed the stage and was cursing at the top of his lungs.
"He kept yelling 'get her motherf*cking ass off the stage. We don't f*ck with her! Wendy don't f*ck with her. Cut that b*tch's mic off!'"
According to the informant, Kevin wasn't satisfied with being removed from the stage, so he didn't stop rampaging until the crowd turned against him and the police had to evacuate them from the building for their own safety:
"By the time Kevin and Wendy got through the other side of the curtains, the event organizers and security were waiting for them and four police officers escorted them off the premises and to their waiting car."
While it might seem that Wendy Williams would finally have seen the error of her ways now that it's her family that is being so freely gossiped about in the supermarket tabloids, the Life & Style contributor seemed completely unrepentant as she went after Kim Kardashian and her new book in the latest May 25, issue:
"I am not surprised that Kim Kardashian released a selfie book entitled Kim Kardashian Selfish, because that is exactly what she is!
"She obviously needs reassurance about her beauty.
"This book is definitely on brand for Kim and her narcissistic money train."
Apparently Wendy Williams has never heard the saying the people who live in glass houses with wacko hubbies shouldn't throw shade.
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