The Suicide Squad just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It was recently announced that, rapper and actor, Common will be joining the the cast of the already star studded film. Common, who was attached to play Green Lantern John Stewart in a Justice League film that was ultimately scrapped, is expected to appear in unknown role. However, some speculation points to Common being cast as Aquaman villain Black Manta. This news comes days after a photo of Jared Leto in full Joker makeup leaked from the set of the film.
Common is just the latest addition announced to the jam-packed cast of David Ayer’s Suicide Squad, which already includes:
Captain Boomerang -- Jai Courtney
Deadshot -- Will Smith
Harley Quinn -- Marto Robbie
Enchantress -- Cara Delevingne
Joker -- Jared Leto
Amanda “The Wall” Waller --Viola Davis
Rick Flagg Jr. -- Joel Kinnaman
It has not been confirmed who Common will be playing but early speculation suggest The Bronze Tiger or Black Manta. Both are African American members of the Squad, with the latter being the main to villain of Aquaman, who will appear in the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice played by Game of Thrones star Jason Momoa.
Production on the film has already begun, and new set photos of Jared Leto possible showing off his Joker look have appeared on Twitter:
What do you think of Common’s casting? Who would you like to see him play? Let us know your thoughts on the subject in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
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