Not only is Wendy Williams not getting punished for constantly spreading unsubstantiated gossip about her fellow celebs, the BET late night talk show host is being rewarded for it. According to the latest gossip news updates, the wig salesman is getting a brand new show on the ID network called, Death by Gossip with Wendy Williams. The new series will reportedly have Williams recounting rumor fueled murder sprees, but that doesn't mean Wendy will be letting any stars off the hook in the meantime. In fact, Wendy just recently called out Eva Mendes sexiest remarks along with Taylor Swift's X-rated career plan.
It seems that Wendy Williams really is turning celebrity smack talk into a media empire.
In addition to her talk show and other production projects, Williams is launching a new series on the ID network that recounts the twisted tales of gossip mongering gone terribly wrong.
In a recent interview with the NY Post, Williams assured fans that there was an endless well of rumor related murder stories out there just waiting to be reenacted for everyone's viewing pleasure:
"It's the stuff that happens in towns and cities everywhere, where you've got the principal sleeping with the manager at the local store and she's married -- and it ends in death.
"They're cases full of gossip, like the game of 'telephone.'"
Despite diversifying, Wendy seems to have no intention of leaving her celebrity gossip roots behind; her latest April 13, Life & Style contribution even goes so far as to suggest that Taylor Swift has made herself a target of ambitious pornographers:
"Taylor Swift did a little shopping and bought up some porn sites domains that use her name.
"She's now the proud owner of sites like in an attempt to beat Internet [pornographers] to the punch.
"She's putting a target on her back, telling porn companies to attack."
Wendy also called out Ryan Gosling baby mam, Eva Mendes for making chauvinistic comments about divorcees:
"Eva Mendes has apologized for her controversial comment saying that women wearing sweatpants is the No. 1 cause of divorce in America.
"I'd like to remind Eva that sweatpants can be sexy...Just Google Jennifer Lopez!"
Because if there is anything that Jennifer Lopez is known for, it's her super-hot sweatpants pics.
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