As one might imagine, it probably hasn't been the easiest thing for former Disney diva, Hilary Duff, having to talk about the alarming Twitter posts of her ex-boyfriend Aaron Carter, while at the same time struggling to field questions about her current divorce to hockey playing husband, Mike Combie. According to the latest gossip news updates -- not knowing when to quit -- the Backstreet Boys' little brother, lashed out after the single mom referred to his social media dedications of eternal love as "ridiculous." Despite having started the public reminiscence, Carter is now demanding that Hilary let the whole thing go just like she's done with her failed marriage.
At just 27-years-old former child star Hilary Duff can't help but sound a little jaded by her divorce from Mike Combie as she swears to Cosmopolitan in her latest interview that she isn't letting the unfortunate experience make her bitter (via NY Daily News):
"I don't want to sound bitter because I'm definitely not...but I don't know if people are meant to be together forever.
"Things happen over a long relationship that you can't always fight."
Despite her new found perspective of the fleeting nature of love and happiness, Duff explains in the April issue of the magazine that she still counts herself as happy -- even if she is just a hapless victim of fate:
"It wasn't working well enough to stay together, but there was still a lot of love involved.
"It was just a slow set-in of us not being the match they we used to be.
"I'm lucky for the person he is and I am and how we decided to handle this."
During the same interview, Hilary explained that she is definitely not as thrilled with the odd way in which Aaron Carter has decided to handle their breakup of 14-years ago on Twitter:
"Him reaching out through social media? It's ridiculous.
"But then people do it all the time, like Chris Brown and Karrueche? Come one guys.
"Keep it between text messages."
Having seemingly taken note of Duff's derogatory comments regarding the tweets during interviews last year, it seems that Carter became incensed that Hilary was once again making him sound pathetic in the press.
Wisely, Carter took to social media once again to put his feelings and frustration regarding his relationship with Duff out there for the entire world to see and mock accordingly:
Some shit I just don't get. Stop. Talking. About. It. ....I did.
— Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) March 5, 2015
With that kind of charisma it's hard to believe that Aaron Carter's music career has been a joke for almost two decade.
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