Popular Indian rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has been rolling in media controversy lately. A Ludhiana-based, non-governmental organization, Mahatar Sati Jagritp Manch, has made a Facebook page to gather support against the singer for allegedly promoting drug abuse through his songs.
The NGO is seeking an immediate ban on songs “Manali Trance” and “Alcoholic,” which appeared in the Bollywood film The Shaukheens.
The complaint was filed Dec. 5 at the local courts in Ludhiana against Singh, director Abhishek Singh, lead actor Akshay Kumar and others. The president of the NGO, Kimti Racal, issued a statement in courts, saying, "In Punjab, almost 70 percent of the youngsters are the victims of drug abuse, and if you have songs like these it will not help the efforts of the government. The lyrics of the song instead promote the usage of drugs and alcohol."
He claims the two songs are vulgar, obscene and create a public nuisance.
The group has since started a Facebook page, saying that the social site is a powerful medium and will help to mobilize public support against the songs that promote drug abuse. Since its creation, the Facebook page has been getting many responses with several city residents and Honey Singh fans coming out to support him, claiming that is unfair to put blame on the rapper for drug problems.
"Youngsters get attracted to Honey Singh's songs as they are peppy. It's up to youngsters how they take his songs, but he certainly can't be blamed for drug menace," said an avid Honey Singh fan on the group's Facebook page.
This isn’t the first time the singer has been in hot water because of his music. He was previously in headlines for his song “Main Hoon Balatkari,” which many claimed promoted rape. So far, the rapper has not responded to any allegations.
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